Saturday, October 24, 2009

Research Topic Quandary....

For our writing class, we had to find a research topic to write for our final paper. One of the topics I would really like to do it on is the whole “Is organic foods better for you?” debate. I was interested in this because my wife is an avid shopper of organic foods. Me, I don’t understand why you pay so much for food that pretty much tastes the same as a non-organic food. But she insists that it actually taste better, is healthier for us to eat and better for our child as well. Mind you, I am the one who actually went to school to study the human body and she went to school for business management in the fashion industry yet she’s the one who insists that organic foods are so much better for the human body.

I also remember that not too long ago, there was report that said that there was no real difference in eating organic and non organic foods. So this is where my curiosity piqued. Well on Friday night while doing the discussion post assignment, I actually did look up the whole organic topic. Using our Kaplan/ University of Alabama-Huntsville online library, my searches were futile. Not one came up on the differences between the two? Instead I got a plenty of recipes on how to cook with organic foods and how eating organic food was to be so much better. Oh and I forgot, I also got some search results for DDT and how pesticide is bad the body (Get out of here! DDT is actually bad?!)

Now I wonder if I should stick with this topic or just switch to something else. If any of my fellow classmates are having the same problem, please I would like to hear stories as well.


  1. I do a lot of reading about this myself. I prefer to buy natural, fresh, local ingredients and organic when I can. My husband doesn't see the point in spending more for "the same thing". The Daily Green's website has a lot of good info on which organics are "worth" buying and which to skip.
    I like the little slide shows they do because they have pictures of everything! Maybe this will help at least give you somewhere to start!

  2. Hi John...

    I think you've chosen a great topic. I think a lot of couples go through this same type of argument on whether or not organic foods really are better for you. Your research will be quite interesting I'm sure. Our family eats healthy, but we don't necessarily buy organic foods all the time. I'm really looking forward to your future posts and seeing where this will take you. Good luck!

