Friday, November 13, 2009

Back in 1993, my high school history/ sociology teacher was talking about cultures and he had mentioned a book he had read called “Friday Night Lights”. He was talking about how high school football in certain parts of this country had become the town’s main focus and how they players were treated like royalty not only by the school but by the whole town. They are idolized as heroes. At first, I thought he was talking nonsense and decided to pick up the book myself and check it out. The book by HG Bissinger is an excellent read. The book is true story which deals with not only high school athletics but the social and racial effects within a small west Texas town. I loved the book because it showed the glamour and glory of high school football but also gave a realistic and honest portrait of these young men who have high expectations thrusted upon them to succeed only on the field, how most of them see their football performance as the only way out their hopeless town, and how they are glorified by the town when they play but then discarded when they graduate.

There was a movie made based on the book which starred Billy Bob Thorton, Derek Luke and Lucas Black and directed by Peter Berg. Although the film was well made, due to the time constriction of the movie, they only barely touched on topics like race relations and really did not go in depth with the characters and their lives like in the book. Then I heard they were making a TV series of it in fall of 2005. The show is produced by Peter Berg, the same director of the film, with Jason Katims, a well knoqn TV drama writer. I will be honest and say that I missed out on the first season (I had a lot of things going on in my life and watching anything on NBC was not a top priority). After reading some positive reviews on it, I spent my $22 at Target and purchased the first season. One word to describe the show is: brilliant!

Similar to the book and the movie, the TV show is based on a high school football powerhouse in a West Texas town except the school’s name, the town and the characters are changed. However the shows premise of how high school football affects this town and its denizens are still intact. In the first season, a new coach arrives into this town with his family and how he has to deal with the pressures of leading his team to a state title. He has to deal with his player’s egos, the town and their team booster’s pressure to succeed and how to deal with his family life as well. While the theme of the show is about football, the actual game is rarely showed. It acts a setting, so to speak.

So here are the reasons why I love this show and why you should check it out:

1) The story is amazing. While football is just used as a setting, the show is mainly about the characters of this town. You have the young coach dealing with his team, the boosters, his wife and family. You also have the wife who not only shares his joys of victory but also the stingy criticism from the town when he loses a game. You have the young, cocky black running back who shows his swagger on and off the field and how he will risk everything including his health just to get a college scholarship. You have a young and unproven quarterback, thrusted into the lime light after a team tragedy and how he copes with his new stardom and his home life. You have the brooding fullback who comes from a dysfunctional family who pretty much floats through life. These are some of the dramas you will see but the catch with them is that they are all portrayed realistically. There is no fantasized dramas you see from soap operas. These characters honestly react to the situation they encounter. My suggestion is this: Watch the first episode. If you are not honestly engaged after just watching the whole first episode, you have no soul and maybe reality TV is for you.

2) These are characters that you actually want to see succeed. So many shows nowadays have anti-heroes as their protagonists (ie. House, 24, even Lost). Why would you want someone you know if you encountered in real life and would immediately think of them as jerks, want to succeed? From the coach to the players, you get a very detailed description of who they are. At first you may not care but, after getting to know them, you actually want the best for them and hope that they attain their life goals and dreams. The way each character is written and developed, you feel like you have known these for most of your life. I have never really cared about TV characters until I watched this show. You actually feel every lows and highs they encounter and just want to root for them to get everything they wish for.

3) While the show is critically acclaimed, the show’s viewership is low. Even after the first season, there was a threat of cancellation. The first season was finished where if it was cancelled, they show would have ended nicely. The show was brought back again for the second season and again the threat of cancellation. Then the third season was brought back and again cancellation threat. Now in its fourth season, the show is better than ever. Credit both the actor’s performances and the writers for delivering an engaging story and causing a rabid fan base of this show. Every season is concluded in a way that if the show was cancelled, you would be satisfied with the outcome of it.

4) The story told in the show is very relatable. While the show is centered around football, it is mostly about the people in the town. You can relate to their situation whether it be their family, financial and even racial. It deals with real life problems that we all deal with. If you do not perform to your company’s expectations, you get fired right? Well that is what the coach deals with everyday and every game. The threat of his and his family’s livelihood being taken away when he does not win. The struggles the quarterback has as not only being the “QB1” but dealing with being a student and working a job to support his grandmother with a mental disorder. The situations and how the characters react to them are real life. You know these situations because you have either been in them yourselves or you know of someone personally who has.

The fourth season began not too long ago and, I have to admit, it is so far becoming the best one. Season 1 was an introduction of the town and it was still a great season, in terms of, the character and plot developments. Season 2 was not their best but was just good enough. Season 3 was phenomenal. I thought it was the best one out of all of them until the fourth season so far. I won’t ruin it for anyone but let’s just say it does have a deep allegory to our current economic conditions and how we try and rise up from. I really do think this an under-rated show and am shocked how this show can have such low viewership. Please go check out the show and I would love to get your opinions on it.


  1. I dont know how you do it, but you always pick a topic that fascinates me! I have seen the previews for this show and have never even glanced at it because I do not like football. (boring boring boring) But after reading your description, now I have to buy the book, ( I love to read!) so that I can see what this is all about before I even look at one episode. If a movie comes out and I know that there is a book that the movie is based on, I always read the book first. Sometimes when they make movies based on books, they can be disapointing because they cant cover all the beautiful detail and emotion that is captured in the book. There are only a few movies in my opinion that have been made based on books that have done an impressive job. They would be The Green Mile (Stephen King)and The Shawshank Redemption (Stephen King). Thanks for the heads up on the book and I look forward to reading it!

  2. Lisa, thank you for your comments. I strongly do urge you to check out the show. Just because it's based on football, as I mentioned, it's mostly used as a backdrop. The first three seasons are out on DVD and you can rent them from any Blockbuster or Netflix. Just watch the first episode and tell me you are not hooked. I dare you. i just re-watched it again recently and still have to say that ending still gets to me.

    I do encourage you to pick up the book as well. If you can, pick up the most recent edition because it has an epilogue of how the book changed high school athletics and the town overall.

    I like Stephen King's stories as well but surprisingly not the horror genre. I really like his short stories more. I know that Green Mile was published as a serial and Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption is a great story. I also liked his other short story called The Body which was made into Stand By Me. Let me know what you think of Friday Night Lights!
