Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blogging opinion

Being part of the blogging world is something I am ambivalent about. On one hand, I like the idea that it gives people a forum to speak their mind and give their opinions on different subject matters. On the other hand, there are so many blogs out there. Do I really want to know what you think or what you are going through everyday? Not really. Here are the reasons and the why’s….

1) I have some friends who wrote blogs and I enjoyed them. That’s the thing. I enjoyed them because they were my friends and I knew how their personalities are. If I wasn’t a friend of yours, why would I be interested in what you have to say or write? I only read their blogs because they asked me to. That’s it.

2) Many blogs are not kept up to date. I have read blogs where I would read it for some period of time because a new one was written, let’s say, every Friday. If it’s good, I really looked forward to reading it. However, the problem with many blogs is that they are not kept up to date at all. For whatever reason, the writer loses the will to just write. If the writer is not willing to share his or her thoughts on a regular basis, why would I want to come back and read it?

3) Some of the information written on blogs are wrong!!! As many of you know out there, I follow sports and, yes, I read sports blogs. The problem with them is that during a live event for example, a blogger would write something and the major news outlets would pick it up and report it as the truth. The thing is that it was only the blogger’s opinion. This had happened about a month ago during a fight I was watching. I read a blog statement from Yahoo Sports and it had reported that the fighter was going to sign with another organization. There was no truth to this. If you hadn’t noticed, blogs have become the new gossip mill/rumor mill. Write whatever you want with about 10% truth in there and it will get picked up fast within the internet community and it will be reported as the truth.

Personally, ever since I started this blog, it has been pretty much a journal. I used to keep a journal before and I still have them. I have never let anyone read them because they were my thoughts and nothing more. No one really needs to see them. But this new form of journal writing is a little different. I can’t or won’t really write my honest opinions on them. Maybe I am inhibited. Maybe I just don’t feel like putting out my real thoughts on in the public forum for people to read and critique. Maybe it’s just that I feel my thoughts and ideas should just be my own and mine alone. Does this mean that I can change my viewpoint? Possibly but for now, I will just write on the blog as objective as I can without giving too much information.

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